The Time Sought Being home alone is an unique experience. The mind keeps exploring the nooks it hasn't travelled yet. I realised today how sincerely I love this particular man. He's otherwise a very efficient man, and managed to handle life with all rush and no rest. On the contrary, I am a drama queen. I live a life I imagine in my head, choose the least resistant path to achieve. Whereas he's a hardworking, patient, reasonable man, I am a lazy lass. Today when he seemed so worried and unsettled and yet managed to be with me and care for my heart condition (caused by realising the truth) I understood how much I love him. I realised that I can keep aside my drama and fictional conditions for sometime and be his support. He needs my strength and attention to organise the mess. He needs me to solve the questions. I realised how much I matter to him, for he needs the immediate success mostly to be able to keep me next to him, given I have ruled out t...