Tinder Wisdom

Pinterest I do Tinder. When asked, I say I am here for various reasons. I happen to mention my purpose as per the other new stranger and keep the option open. That being said, I have a boyfriend. I love him, and he moves me a lot more back. Yet, Tinder has been another source of happiness. My boyfriend has troubled me with nothing; he has given me in abundance his time and love, most importantly his undivided loyalty. (Hold your breath) I am single on Tinder. I meet Alpha on another dating app and after months of procrastination to meet, we finally meet on my birthday when all my friends (fortunately) ditched me; we end up having the best night I ever had. What can be a better gift on birthday other than orgasms for both body and mind. It's been a year and we haven't seen each other. I enjoy his updates on social media. My heart fills with joy to see his progress and success. There is something about intelligent men. I am sexually too oriented towards men to have ...