Arranged Marriage, Really?

Till death do us apart... I am asked by a western stranger on a certain dating app if arranged marriage is still prevalent in India. I am lost into thoughts why that is a question. "All marriages are arranged; sometimes by the individuals, sometimes by others." What is there about it that is so repulsive to people. This is not a question by the westerns, but also to the new generations of India. Let's break down the process to know it and get a perspective about it. Hmm, so there are two families somewhere with eligible children to get married. They express their concern to the people they think can help about it. If the parents are tech-friendly, they register on marriage websites as well. Somehow, each of the family gets to know about the probable candidate. They visit the family in question to figure out if it may work. Unless a major problem is encountered, the set up is arranged and the two individuals get married. Hold on! That is not wha...