Satanic Theory
Google search Last night I pulled out the King James version of Bible from the shelf and put it on my bedside table. I was not in a very good state of mind. I did not do so because I was afraid to be shunted to hell if I killed myself. If God was merciful he wouldn't inflict the curse of depression. May be he is mythical. I don't exactly also disbelieve in God's existence. It is just that an entity with such powers will have to franchise responsibilities to others. Back to the Bible. Being a long-term (if two years count as long) depression patient, I have found that I need an anchor outside my head to hold on to life. Often it is my dog whose unconditional love keeps sticking to this painful side of life. I have been keeping away from her lately. I am afraid she will contract depression. And that is something no mother will ever want for her child. I keep diverting from the Bible. If it cannot hold my attention when I am blogging about it, then I doubt how much ...