The Descendant (He.)

Wishful tomorrow And she wakes up abruptly from a timely peaceful sleep only to feel restless. ****** Since then not a day passed when her heart didn't skip a beat and her pupils dilated in anticipation with every WhatsApp ping. Although being used to the rant of that mobile, she was feeling unused to her self. Her mind was determined to let her not a minute spare without him. The wait seemed prolonged and the time seemed to have slowed down and become opaque. She wanted all her life to be the sky; these days, she wants to be the breeze. He doesn't like rain, not because of the rain, but probably because he was cautious about his hair. She liked the way he cared about himself. He is compassionate; may be the history, or the life, or just the way, but something about him made her wish him. She experiences the chills she didn't know existed in her. ****** He stepped out as if he wanted her to want him. Blue; he was in a blue jacket. That da...