Not Meant To Be Together

It was never supposed to be 'us'.

Despite the many hints, the constant annoyance in voice, the declination of any intimacy, you couldn't apprehend it. To friends and questioners, I say I expected  better and brighter story than the rest ones; I knew since day one that we never belonged. You took care of me like I am a new born baby unable to even turn herself on her own. You pampered me everyday like I was more yours than I was mine. Yet, when time came, like a lone wolf, you betrayed me. The betrayal would have tastes different if it was not a question of trust. The day you questioned my loyalty to a man who left me with scars on my flesh and mind, and asked me to feel ashamed to have looked out for love, I had the clear glimpse of reasoning behind your strong attention towards me. Instead of listening, you were spying. You spied of my past to humiliate me, to remind me what a horror it will always be. You hacked into my gadget to look what I might be hiding from you, instead of creating memories with you.

It is not my fault that till far your degrees were good only for your resume.
It is not my fault that your words are soothing only to your followers.
It is not my fault that you did not experience the world beyond yours.
It is not my fault that you don't get enough attention to pamper your ego.

It is my fault to be still not able to break up with you.
It is my fault to be not gossip foul against you.
It is my fault to have ever trusted you to be different.
It is my fault to overempathise with your troubles.

We belong to different worlds. My world is a place of love, peace, commitment, promise, grandeour, valour, acceptance and attention. My world does not need blood to establish a family. My world welcomes each one with open arms of love and respect and welcomes all for a fair game and chances. My world does not discriminate on past and use trust to backbite. My world earns loyalty, gives respect, builds trust. My world is not fragile. My world is strong for we believe in the power of power itself, and need not always want proof of manifestation. My world is wonderful because it is full of possibilities and opportunities. I wish your world was as beautiful as you think it to be. Your world is gathered with hypocrites and firm notions. You world is closed to alternatives. While your world believes in preaching, my world reinforces in its beautiful dreams and stronger hopes. Most importantly, my world believed in you, while you were busy proving yourself mighty. You called upon me with invitation to a sumptuous love affair. Little did I know you wanted to establish your mightiness over me. You should have known me better because unlike your past women, i walk five inches above the ground, but never bat my eyes to lies.

You even succeeded in belittling me. Little did you know that I am a woman like no other. I am in sync with my self and my conscience. I am a woman of substance and plasmic abilities. I am a woman who knows her strength and her weakness. I am a woman who isn't scared to go to batter in fear of getting wound. I am a woman capable of loving the right soul, even at the verge of my life in question. I am a woman whose day dreams are fiercer than most realities, I am a woman whose nightmares cause the pain to screech.

I wouldn't say you were just a chapter, but even that ends on a page. You were the notes taken wrong by a kid, which had to be erased and rectified eventually. Although you brought me tender wishes, you left me with bleeding feet. I am glad you gave me opportunity to seek you. You will be a reason why faith should always come with a price. I learnt to be not in anyone's shadow for your shelter was that of black clouds which were blown away with the wind of past.

I forgive your betrayal, but not your assassination of my trust. 


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