Reign Of the Tremor

Lunar Eclipse, June 2020 ©author
 "Why we humans are so thoughtless, amore?", she asked the man sitting oceans away from her. 

She probably worries too much. The world does not need her to worry about it. It spins fine without her presence, without her taking away anything from it. The world is fine. But is it?

The oxygen breathing forests are on fire, while we are busy giving manicures to our gardens. The animals, our evolutionary partners are poached for the carcass, meat, bone. Apparently, their death is a part of our culinary pride, a part of our medicinal healing. The birds don't have trees to nestle on, and we don't let him destroy the aesthetics of our homes. Flowers are a valentine offer. Who cares for pollens! Fruits must not be wasted by squirrels. Kill them too!

We have so many bridges - probably too many. But that is not enough. We must connect over the waters too. Our Jesus walked on it. We own it. The sharks and the whales can squeeze themselves from our oil spills and plastic dumping. How do they matter in a world where the fairer skin matters more than the darker ones?

Our books, our globes are designed in a way to show how huge our land masses are. The delusion makes us own huge chunks of land for just a family of four. The poor can scram into city corners. Or, they can return to their villages, whose rivers are polluted at the upstreams and land are taken away to build highways. Yes, who needs farming? We got our supermarkets. 

The Internet is a wonderful place. Strangers connect while trying to be not seen by families and relatives. So much information is stored! So much that we have discovered a tranquil island calling out to be human-indulged. We must take humans to every nook and corner of this planet.

Are we confusing blue with brown? Are we really that miserable? Must baby animals cry for their mothers' breasts? Must we have soft tender meat of the wild? Must the fruits belong to only us? Must we never know the sound of crickets and toads? Must we prefer the sound of traffic over birds chirping? Must we live at the expense of others? 

If and only if, the planet could scream, will we be able to tolerate it? Wait, it does scream! Oh sorry, that was just an earthquake. Or was it a volcano? She doesn't know. She couldn't differentiate. But that tremble inside her - in her pounding heart and sunken eyes, did not like what it felt like. She can listen to the sirens of the future-past. The 'best' of the evolutionary process is enjoying the imaginary throne of a reign that has been digging its own graveyard. She can see nature has not and will not give up. There will be another being who will take care of the menace. The sustenance of humans does not have to be a selfish process. It can let others live and die a natural way. A little thought, a little kindness, a little concern can go a long way But who will listen? The dollar is falling, the price of crude oil is rising, fast fashion is exciting, plastic is weatherproof, hide is status.

Do you think she needs help? Let her go to a therapist. She is overthinking. She is being ridiculous. Or, by any chance, you can leave her and her home planet alone?


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