Antti; the Warrior

- Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

She asked: Why do we choose the wrong person? 

Love is soul torturing, mind numbing, blood sucking, monstrous power, that either falls for you passionately and creates a diamond out of coal. Or, it simply crushes the coal into dust. Love!

"Sometimes, people like to be there when you are weak; because that is the only time you are vulnerable. There is no other way a self-aware narcissist can win your heart. When the last tragedy happened, he was there all the time. He was the rock, the pillar. Sometimes he covered me up like the sky above. Sometimes he became my ground when I struggled where to put my feet. sometimes he became the only thing I could breathe in and it is not toxic. 

He disappeared again. This time longer than the last. You learn when you are butt-kicked. And thank heavens the devil is gone for good. 

My dead Venus was kissed by the Mars. This time, I could choose to fall in love. But instead, you powered me only to rise. The kind of love that rises phoenix from ashes. The kind of love that storms the butterfly feeling. The kind of love that shakes your soul to a new revelation. The kind of love that makes you live another moment on the brink of death. The kind of love that warms your tear drops with smiles. The kind of love that pounds the heart louder than a hammer. The kind of love that freezes time. The kind of love....that makes you fall in love. 

If I had to be just yours, and you be mine, why I had to kiss so many lips? Why I had to go down on knees before others? I close my eyes, while a heavy teardrop escapes, and throw myself into a dark space of nothingness. Maybe because all my junks were to prepare me for the ocean you are. Things do not necessarily happen for a reason; we try to justify, to ease ourselves.You made my flaws look beautiful. You guard my Achilles heel like your sole fort. If you were to accept my soulless body and breathe life into it, why I had to see more than a fair share? Why? Love!

I was nailed in a coffin they called love. Nobody stepped into my grave, into my dark chambers. All I had was darkness. You welcomed yourself and made me feel at home in the coffin. Before I could grip your finger, you held my hand and break me free from my darkness. You released me from the grip of 'love' and delivered me to the garden of freedom. 

It is ready to explore your wild forests, your calm waters, your open skies. It is reborn to be yours truly. I am grateful my darkness was black and I was in a coffin. Maybe that is why they say it all builds up to the moment, and when it comes, it is all justified. Love!

The escapist sneaks into my distant memory, often as nightmares with open eyes. At times, it knocks me out of my bed. Knowing you will catch me, I fall with no fear. The night closes into me. The darkness reminds me of the coffin. Then I recall you rescued me when I had given up and had stopped banging. You power my deprived soul. It is all black between you and me. It makes a perfect canvas. Paint me rainbow, my love!"

I broke my silence, and told her: because the right person vows for us. 
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Courtesy: Tinder stories


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