Being Thankful

I write to you as a female who has bruises in parts she can't show. I am sorry to tell you that you are not the first man to come in my life. I cannot decide if you are the last. Most men, probably due to lack of insight, forgot to involve my spirit in the process of togetherness. They could not differentiate if I moan or I am asking for more. I am happy to tell you that you may be a virgin to start with, but I had my first orgasm in your bed. You did not abandon my body after rushing in. Wait, you didn't rush. I remember you asked at times if it is the right way. You make sure that nothing but happiness oozes out of me. The pain of intimacy became the source of joy for the first time, and yet, you let me win. You cared if I was hungry or thirsty. You didn't pull my hair as if it were a harness to gear me up. You take me into your arms and shame me for choosing to spare my time for nothing. 

You have aroused my spirit every time you choose to kiss my forehead, not just my lips. You appreciate my body as much you appreciate me not being a virgin. You have insisted on my every wish, and never questioned my sanity. With you around, my spine relaxes a little some whiles. Even if the city was known to me, I know the soil, the people, you stand protecting my ground. Even though you never insist on naming us, you know what exactly you are doing. You know humour. You have proved to be funny, it is not necessary to be cool. You have never thought of me to be handled, but a woman to be cared and loved. While nothing is sure, you have a blueprint to work it through. 
There's always a road to the destination. You are worth the journey, because you become the destiny I walk along with. I am thankful for letting me walk my own path and creating new turns while pursuing the greater goal. You have crowned the new definition to happiness. With every evoke of sensuality, I discover a new me with you. Unlike other times, you are a phenomenal experience. I want it to stay. I want it to evolve us into better versions of us. 

I am grateful to you for saving from the experienced and unseen torture, for eliminating the torment of distance, for showing the true purpose of love, for pacifying the restless mind. I am thankful to you for revealing the true face of me, and finally uniting my mind and heart over matter.


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