Haunted Heart

I wish I could have been just yours. I wish no other man had any imprint on me before you had. I wish no other air would have breathed life in my hair, except yours.  I wish no other incident rushed blood to my heart except your touch. I wish no other bite made my lips bleed, except yours. I wish no other eyes delved into my sun-kissed honey brown eyes, except yours. I wish no other arms had wrapped me whole, except yours. I wish no other care had nourished my tears, except yours.

You turned up from a corner where I probably strolled carelessly once upon a time. From a silhouette, you turned into my steel. You made a stranger become a part of my broken star. You build up a present from a ruined history. You could have anything perfect but you choose a tattered art like me. You can withdraw any time you want to, but instead you are ceaselessly with me. I love to read. Yet, you created a listener in me. I don't like the vacuum of space in my heart, validated by many sharp pinches. There you stabbed me with a dagger to pull out the old and replace with a new. You made my fingers come alive, when I had forgotten what it feels to feel. You have never looked deep into my eyes, but always made a way to my soul while looking at where my eyes search the unknown. You have not hold my breath awestruck; but you have managed to show me the marvels of a hurt soul and broken heart. You have been a virgin bless to my sinned body, letting ne discover the charisma of self love. I had almost erased the whims of happiness, when you took me on the roller coaster of changes. I had begun to resent rain when you charmed the pluviophile in me under the shower. You are the miracle I waited for, but never deserved. Alas! you have not been fortunate enough to be my first.
But all I wish now is you be my last and I be yours only one.


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