Have you seen the intertwined vines? Have you noticed how complicatedly yet beautifully they are woven into each other? Have you seen the waterfall with all its water falling from high above and bouncing back into the space? Have you noticed the tiny rainbows forming over the tiny foundations? Have you seen the restless butterflies hovering, fluttering with inexhaustible energy over flowers and twigs and leaves? Have you ever heard a tiger roaring in the wild, sending tremor across the jungle beasts? Have you seen a hurt lioness guarding her cubs? Have you been stung by a bee because the hive has been disturbed? Have you walked alone along the shore, waves hitting your feet, and pushing and pulling you into the sea? Have you felt the sun basking your naked body in the morning river water? Have you felt the water dripping down your temples to your bosom, racing to reach your loin? Have you felt the joy of watching the crescent moon inked on the canvas of dark night? Have you felt the stars conspiring in constellations right above you to listen to your whispers? Have you been pierced by a thorn in the mid of nowhere? Have you ever thought of the thirst of a fish amidst water? Have you heard the call of a temple with conch shell, filling the void in the air and the mind? Have you woke up to the call of azaan? Have you been to the pitch of a church choir? Have you felt the sweat-drops of an orgasm? Have you felt the depth of her body? Have you noticed the change in colour of her eyes to lights? Have you looked in to her eyes and found her soul?Have you heard his deep breaths while he made love? Have you smelt the men in him, just after he has toiled with the soil? Have you been aroused by the imagination of his presence? Have you been drenched in a downpour? Have you been almost hit by a lightening? Have you found his voice in the thunder? Have you ever been agitated to be with him by the water ripples? have you lived a thousand lives in a millisecond? Have you struggled to bear the stretch of a blink of eyes? Have you seen the bruised grass swaying in the winter morning breeze? Have you felt flying in the sky while floating on water? Have you understood you do not exist without me?
Then is when you must come to me to find the lost part of your soul, that resides in my body, and then on, be mine till we bake and age.
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