Dear Stranger

Navigating through life

More often than not, I wish I could walk into the ocean and never return. The waves call me so dearly. They are high and low, soft and swift, blue and white, dark and beautiful. The ocean absorbs the world around it and makes it a part of its own tumult. Every time I tried to be a part of that magnificent piece of water, I was called back by dear ones. Their tearful, callous calls remind me how unaltered their lives will be without me. They fear they will lose me. What sort of fear is that, to be scared of losing something one never had in first place? I would look back, each time, with hopes in my eyes to see more; my ears would be more attentive every next time to hear something that I might have missed the last time. The words, the faces, the looks remain as if time didn't occur to them. 
One can be comprehensive of strangers being cold and distant. But people you call your folks, too? May be the tropical country doesn't allow them to be any warmer. May be, otherwise, they would take me into their arms and tell me how precious I am to them, what unique roles I play in their lives, how indispensable I am. 

Perhaps they have forgotten how skillful I am at acting. It is my white cane. It lets me through days after days, events after events. And nobody bothers to take off my black glasses to see if the Sun actually bothers me so much, or my eyes are sore from wetting the pillows last night. I smile at the brink of tiniest of moments, for I know nothing lasts for ever. Unapologetically, shamelessly I am proud of myself. Long twenty years of exile from happiness I suffer, and still serving. Almost entirely I have lost my life so far in living; while all the while I did not live at all!

Dear Stranger!
I admire you, because you cannot be any more unfamiliar, you cannot walk away any farther. You have never been a face I knew all along. You never were a close entity. I am grateful to you, for you have been capable of making it happen what my close ones have failed to. You have made me smile through dark hours, and made me patience-fully survive through dreadful daylight hours. You did not hurt me with forlorn words. 

You are amazing. You are beautiful. You are anonymous. Please stay there, just like that. When I cross the oceans, we shall meet on the shore of white sand and tiny sea shells, where water is sky blue and splendidness surrounds us. Everything will be new, everything unknown. We shall explore each other with carnal sins and undocumented passion. 

I am a piece of puzzle stranded on this side of the ocean. My world is chaotic. I have to let go what I know, whom I know, why I know. I will carry the possibility of when with me, swimming against the tides, the waves, the stills. Have you been wondering where she is? She is I preparing to be the missing puzzle piece you have been looking since always. That woman whom you dated last night...did she felt alien? Because I share your stardust. Did you wonder if the girl with dark hair and pretty face is for you, but she never looked back at you? Did your hand feel empty while you strolled lovingly with her hand in yours? Because she is an another she. 

I am here, stuck in a world I don't belong to. I am doing my part, paying my due to be there with you. Don't give up just yet. Every failed relationship has frustrated you, has annoyed me; we belong together. It is you and me. It is our story. Because, I love you...

...till eternity is a moment.


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