(Wo)Men are Just as Human

As entangled as Tangled
Why do women wear western clothes? VS Let them wear what they want.
Let'em wear they want to. VS How can they show their bra straps?
What's about the exposing bra straps? VS Let her be without bra.
No bra is outrageous. VS Where is her modesty?

Take a deep breath. No woman has to explain herself to anyone (women and men) about her modesty, her choice of clothes. If anything is required to be addressed or talked about, it is just why men do not stop themselves about questioning and start accepting women as they are, at least about the physical and behavioural matters. 

When you accept something, it is easy to understand it, because you will find yourself on the same side of the barrack. When you will be an insider or one of our own. 

It is, honestly, annoying to find people questioning and retaliating in the name of curiosity. 

Men. You are as diverse as women. Just that you have a lower threshold for accepting one of your sex, against for women. At the same time, you hate the gay men. On that line of thoughts, how is it that you fantasize two women making out hot and close, but feel disgusted about men doing the same? Why do you dismiss the gays? Why do you accept lesbians? Why do you not want to address a woman's fantasy to see two straight men making out? Do you think penis entitles you to decide what a woman can fantasize? We need more men who can embrace their manhood, without feeling insecure of their sexual explorations. All we need is a wish, and a mutual consent (definitely).

Men are in such a huge denial. There is no doubt that the world has witnessed great women. Yet, 'women' are not considered to be the default state for anything except for giving birth and satisfying men-dictated decorums. Let the attention shift from what women are up to with their bras and vaginas to what men are up to their beards and control freakiness. No need to empower women, no need to show them the way. Just make space. Just let them be. So is true vice versa. 

P.S. It is just as much crappy to watch an old bra strap as it is about watching the dirty underwear off your baggy jeans which have not been washed since you wore it for the first time. 

Don't let curiosity kill your cat. Just saying! At the end of the day, both men and women have wet underwears after all.


  1. Impressive!! You need to carry on underlining such differences. Someday it will make a difference.
    Keep it up!!


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